A MISCO employee estimating a quote for a commercial loudspeaker.We're Great Listeners

If you’ve got a question about audio engineering, manufacturing, testing, pricing, order status—anything at all—Customer Service will get the information you want from the MISCO experts who know. Just call us or fill out the following form and we’ll respond as soon as we can.

(800) 276-9955

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Contact Information

Customer Service: 800.276.9955
Phone: 612.825.1010
Fax: 612.825.7010

Customer Service: customerservice@miscospeakers.com
Engineering: solutions@miscospeakers.com
Sales: sales@miscospeakers.com
Quality Control: quality@miscospeakers.com
Accounting: accounting@miscospeakers.com

Address: MISCO, 1771 Energy Park Dr Suite #400, St. Paul, MN 55108