MISCO Careers
MISCO is a loudspeaker/audio solutions design and manufacturing company located in St. Paul, Minnesota. MISCO is considered a global leader in providing custom turn-key audio solutions for businesses that need audio integration into their products.
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Who We Are - What We Do
MISCO is a U.S. based, family-owned and operated custom audio solutions and loudspeaker design and manufacturing company. Minnesota has been our home since we began in 1949. But don't let our Midwestern hometown pride and familial leadership mislead - MISCO is a world-class OEM company serving customers across the globe. We custom design and build a broad range of speakers and speaker systems to meet the specific needs of an extremely diverse customer base.
Manufacturers of pro sound, commercial audio, gaming equipment, medical testing, aerospace, transit, military, consumer audio, automotive & motorcycle sound, signaling/alarm systems, musical instruments, and outdoor audio all rely on MISCO for purpose-designed and built speakers. Our design engineering team is world class and equipped with leading edge, state-of-the-art research and design tools. The MISCO engineering team listens closely and collaborates with our customers to develop creative solutions to meet each need. Our design engineers work closely with manufacturing engineering, throughout the process to produce consistently manufacturable results.
MISCO manufacturing is recognized throughout the industry for highly skilled line technicians, well-considered and consistent process, and an unparalleled level of production line and end-of-line testing. Sensitive to customer needs and process, our business team builds lasting relationships. Other U.S. companies have closed or moved offshore. MISCO thrives through tenacity, creativity, and customer focus. Producing in the U.S. we manage cost via smaller lot sizes, short lead times, reliable communications, domestic shipping, and elimination of duties. Effective design, efficient processes, and persistent QA minimizes waste, lost time, and QA overhead for the customer.
© 1996-2021 MISCO/Minneapolis Speaker Company Inc., All Rights Reserved. MISCO, Bold North Audio, Redline, Warkwyn and Oaktron are registered trademarks of MISCO/Minneapolis Speaker Company Inc.